Wednesday, February 4, 2009

School Feb.4th,2009

I love school!! What is so fun about it is all the science. I love science because we get to study a lot of things like fish and animals. And what I don't like about school is the homework. I just don't like the homework that's the only thing. Other than that I am fine. Oh and on Feb. 3rd I beat Mrs. Garni Our vice principle at wall ball That was funny. And Mr. Booth our principle is goin to a diffenent school. I realy want to play against him before he goes on friday. He is a very fun piniple at leat I think. He always is playing with the kids and makes us laugh all the time. When it is time for us to go eat lunch we eat go back to class and go to work all the time. Nothing fun when we go to class. Thats why I like science so much. Then we get packed up and go home. I Love school and I hope you do to!!!!!!!

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